Road to Hogwarts 3: Marauder's Marathon!
Fundraising ($5,658 raised)
Top groups:
1.#gryffindor 114 racers × $9.85 avg = $1,122.56
2.#ravenclaw 226 racers × $4.26 avg = $963.55
3.#hufflepuff 162 racers × $3.74 avg = $606.21
see more...
Top fundraisers:
1.Ricky B. $421.09
2.Janiece Murphy $319.09
3.Marlynn Baldo $151.09
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Top contributors:
1.Patricia Lyons $300
2.Elizabeth Nestor $250
3.Ruth Wood $250
see more...
Latest contributions:
MBR Aug 26, 2017
AlienLizzie Aug 18, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
Pikachu Aug 17, 2017
Pikachu Aug 17, 2017
leiabelle Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
$50 from Jacqueline SkeltonTo all you crazy runners. Or fast walkers. Or slow walkers like me.
$25 from Mary RendallThanks to all the runners and people supporting them
amborpuff Aug 16, 2017
Arya1967 Aug 16, 2017
Ru Aug 16, 2017
France96 Aug 16, 2017
$15 from Anonymous
rachelleigh42 Aug 16, 2017
$100 from AnonymousTo help make everyone equal.
Treebeard Aug 16, 2017
$50 from AnonymousWay to go, everyone!!!
bowlergirl81 Aug 16, 2017
aimeestubbs85 Aug 16, 2017
$100 from Patricia LyonsTrump's horrific white supremacy leads me to want to give more and more and more to EVERYONE involved with the HPA! YOU ARE THE LIGHT!
$250 from Ruth Wood
SIytheryAsFcuk Aug 15, 2017
$250 from Elizabeth Nestorthanks
$18 from Billye Roberts
Wren714 Aug 15, 2017
$50 from Stephanie BeverageWishing you all the speed of a snitch in the marathon!
Janiece Aug 15, 2017
$50 from Chanda Unmack
$30 from Julia Weinstein
$30 from AnonymousGo, go, go HP runners and walkers! Well done.
SueLu Aug 14, 2017
leiabelle Aug 14, 2017
FarmersDaughter Aug 14, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 12, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 12, 2017
$30 from Patricia LyonsLove to you all because today is Ginny Weasley's Birthday!
Mardie Aug 11, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 11, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 10, 2017
GemmaZ Aug 10, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 10, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 10, 2017
emmac Aug 10, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 9, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 9, 2017
RaceryEmma Aug 9, 2017
Crazychick Aug 3, 2017
JillybeanB Aug 3, 2017
Amazon42 Aug 3, 2017
$10 from Lisa larson
Witchypoo Aug 3, 2017
Pikachu Aug 2, 2017
Charles Aug 2, 2017
MissMartni192 Aug 2, 2017
CrazyDutchgirl Aug 2, 2017
$37 from AnonymousKeep going everyone!
Montse Aug 1, 2017
$35 from Anonymous
$15 from Anonymous
Chalax91 Aug 1, 2017
$37 from Kerry StubbsIn honor of the birthdays of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling.
$37 from Jennifer KoonsIn honor of Harry's birthday
$25 from Malinda CorderDedicated to all Marauder's Marathon racers in honor of birthdays for both J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter.
$25 from Patricia LyonsHang in there everyone! You are loved!
KM35 July 30, 2017
MissMartni192 July 30, 2017
JoannaCF July 29, 2017
$25 from AnonymousThree cheers for everybody! You can do it!
Bendalf July 28, 2017
Jenzi July 27, 2017
SlytherinChika July 27, 2017
MJSkittles July 27, 2017
Camden July 26, 2017
Camden July 26, 2017
AJMax July 25, 2017
KatieC July 25, 2017
KM35 July 25, 2017
MissR+Oswald July 25, 2017
thelemonbadger July 25, 2017
JustEddie July 24, 2017
ramonjw July 24, 2017
Janiece July 22, 2017
Amalia July 22, 2017
$30 from Patricia Lyons
$20 from Anonymous
thelemonbadger July 21, 2017
UnicornJess July 21, 2017
Janiece July 21, 2017
Janiece July 21, 2017
ajancaric July 21, 2017
dcapriato July 20, 2017
Janiece July 20, 2017
Hebsonian July 20, 2017
ajancaric July 20, 2017
see more...
Runners (1,516)
All groups:
… >>
1.#ravenclaw 226 racers × 37.9 avg = 8562 miles
2.#hufflepuff 162 racers × 37.5 avg = 6068 miles
3.#hrc 132 racers × 45.9 avg = 6061 miles
4.#hogwartsrunningclub 101 racers × 43.5 avg = 4393 miles
5.#gryffindor 114 racers × 37.9 avg = 4323 miles
6.#slytherin 83 racers × 44.4 avg = 3682 miles
7.#phrc 25 racers × 54.7 avg = 1367 miles
8.#wrc 16 racers × 68.6 avg = 1098 miles
9.#hogwarts 22 racers × 48.5 avg = 1068 miles
10.#potterheadrunningclub 15 racers × 53.8 avg = 807 miles
11.#hpa 20 racers × 39.9 avg = 798 miles
12.#2021phrc 15 racers × 48.0 avg = 720 miles
13.#frc 12 racers × 59.7 avg = 717 miles
14.#2021frc 15 racers × 47.1 avg = 706 miles
15.#yahoo 10 racers × 64.7 avg = 647 miles
16.#whovianrunningclub 14 racers × 43.3 avg = 607 miles
17.#2021phrcgryffindor 8 racers × 59.8 avg = 479 miles
18.#hrcslytherun17 2 racers × 239.3 avg = 479 miles
19.#club 6 racers × 75.4 avg = 452 miles
20.#marauders 6 racers × 70.3 avg = 422 miles
21.#hufflepuffmoms 9 racers × 45.7 avg = 411 miles
22.#2021wrc 8 racers × 47.7 avg = 381 miles
23.#running 7 racers × 53.5 avg = 375 miles
24.#merry 4 racers × 89.7 avg = 359 miles
25.#merrymarauders 6 racers × 59.0 avg = 354 miles
26.#onehrc 10 racers × 35.2 avg = 352 miles
27.#florida 6 racers × 57.4 avg = 344 miles
28.#lionsrtw 6 racers × 53.0 avg = 318 miles
29.#bffspcr 4 racers × 78.9 avg = 316 miles
30.#wrcteamtimelords 3 racers × 104.8 avg = 314 miles
31.#fandomrunningclub 8 racers × 36.4 avg = 291 miles
32.#hpadc 4 racers × 71.8 avg = 287 miles
33.#hrcgryffindor 3 racers × 95.4 avg = 286 miles
34.#fansruntheworld2021 6 racers × 47.2 avg = 283 miles
35.#huffletuff 5 racers × 56.1 avg = 280 miles
36.#doctordonna 2 racers × 134.5 avg = 269 miles
37.#2021phrchufflepuff 7 racers × 37.5 avg = 263 miles
38.#harrypotteralliance 8 racers × 32.7 avg = 262 miles
39.#mischiefandmoxie 5 racers × 50.8 avg = 254 miles
40.#ppp 2 racers × 125.9 avg = 252 miles
41.#charter 2 racers × 117.3 avg = 235 miles
42.#harry 6 racers × 38.5 avg = 231 miles
43.#potter 6 racers × 38.5 avg = 231 miles
44.#hrcravenclaw 5 racers × 45.6 avg = 228 miles
45.#2021crc 6 racers × 38.0 avg = 228 miles
46.#thegrangerzone 5 racers × 44.1 avg = 221 miles
47.#teamsalty 4 racers × 53.6 avg = 214 miles
48.#teamhufflepuff 2 racers × 106.9 avg = 214 miles
49.#momandme 2 racers × 105.7 avg = 211 miles
50.#lexpectopatronum 9 racers × 23.0 avg = 207 miles
51.#somuchgood 5 racers × 39.7 avg = 199 miles
52.#runmotivators 2 racers × 97.0 avg = 194 miles
53.#chiltonrunningclub 5 racers × 38.4 avg = 192 miles
54.#takingiteasy 3 racers × 63.6 avg = 191 miles
55.#dragons 2 racers × 94.4 avg = 189 miles
56.#fancourtsstargazers 5 racers × 37.1 avg = 186 miles
57.#fanthropy 2 racers × 92.6 avg = 185 miles
58.#frcbattleofthefandoms 4 racers × 43.5 avg = 174 miles
59.#expectopatrorun 5 racers × 33.2 avg = 166 miles
60.#whovian 6 racers × 27.1 avg = 163 miles
61.#2021phrcslytherin 3 racers × 53.4 avg = 160 miles
62.#thisistherace 2 racers × 79.4 avg = 159 miles
63.#california 5 racers × 30.7 avg = 154 miles
64.#hogwartsrunning 2 racers × 75.4 avg = 151 miles
65.#grangerthings 2 racers × 74.7 avg = 149 miles
66.#2021wrcvillains 4 racers × 36.9 avg = 148 miles
67.#ekstrom 4 racers × 35.5 avg = 142 miles
68.#phrcquidditch 3 racers × 47.0 avg = 141 miles
69.#phrc19ravenclaw 3 racers × 46.2 avg = 139 miles
70.#phrc19gryffindor 3 racers × 46.1 avg = 138 miles
71.#onephrc 3 racers × 45.9 avg = 138 miles
72.#lunashareraisers 2 racers × 68.0 avg = 136 miles
73.#frcnerfherders 2 racers × 67.7 avg = 135 miles
74.#quidditch 2 racers × 66.9 avg = 134 miles
75.#phrcslytherin2020 2 racers × 66.5 avg = 133 miles
76.#salazarssnakes 2 racers × 66.5 avg = 133 miles
77.#mahnamahna 2 racers × 66.3 avg = 133 miles
78.#redandgold 2 racers × 66.1 avg = 132 miles
79.#rowenassoaringeagles 2 racers × 65.7 avg = 131 miles
80.#wrcdoctordonna 2 racers × 62.2 avg = 124 miles
81.#hornedserpent 3 racers × 41.2 avg = 124 miles
82.#manchesterunited 4 racers × 30.3 avg = 121 miles
83.#fansruntheworld 2 racers × 60.0 avg = 120 miles
84.#bellsouth 2 racers × 59.9 avg = 120 miles
85.#canada 2 racers × 57.8 avg = 116 miles
86.#hrcfaculty 3 racers × 38.4 avg = 115 miles
87.#thehpalliance 5 racers × 22.9 avg = 114 miles
88.#ruhroh 2 racers × 56.1 avg = 112 miles
89.#gryffindorks 4 racers × 27.8 avg = 111 miles
90.#grangerdanger 2 racers × 55.2 avg = 110 miles
91.#werunasone 2 racers × 54.7 avg = 109 miles
92.#thunderbird 3 racers × 36.3 avg = 109 miles
93.#2021gryffindor 2 racers × 53.0 avg = 106 miles
94.#gryffinroar 3 racers × 34.3 avg = 103 miles
95.#bookwyrms 2 racers × 49.1 avg = 98 miles
96.#2022frc 2 racers × 48.5 avg = 97 miles
97.#2021wrctimelords 2 racers × 46.5 avg = 93 miles
98.#wrcteamvillains 3 racers × 30.3 avg = 91 miles
99.#chupas 3 racers × 30.0 avg = 90 miles
100.#teamsexy 2 racers × 44.4 avg = 89 miles
101.#ravenclawesome 2 racers × 43.5 avg = 87 miles
102.#blueandbronze 3 racers × 28.6 avg = 86 miles
103.#onyourleft 3 racers × 27.9 avg = 84 miles
104.#qchpa 3 racers × 27.7 avg = 83 miles
105.#teamboulderdash 2 racers × 41.3 avg = 83 miles
106.#ravenclawsome 3 racers × 27.5 avg = 83 miles
107.#witchesontherun 3 racers × 27.1 avg = 81 miles
108.#dickwolf 2 racers × 40.5 avg = 81 miles
109.#hrc18ravenclaw 2 racers × 38.3 avg = 77 miles
110.#librarian 4 racers × 19.2 avg = 77 miles
111.#mom 2 racers × 36.9 avg = 74 miles
112.#slytherclaw 3 racers × 24.6 avg = 74 miles
113.#clawandorder 2 racers × 36.9 avg = 74 miles
114.#roadtohogwarts 2 racers × 36.7 avg = 73 miles
115.#hrcgryffindash17 2 racers × 35.0 avg = 70 miles
116.#2021phrcravenclaw 3 racers × 22.8 avg = 68 miles
117.#helenashawks 3 racers × 22.3 avg = 67 miles
118.#wrccompanions 2 racers × 33.4 avg = 67 miles
119.#talonted 2 racers × 29.6 avg = 59 miles
120.#crc 2 racers × 29.3 avg = 59 miles
121.#racenclaw17 2 racers × 28.9 avg = 58 miles
122.#bigdamnheroes 2 racers × 28.5 avg = 57 miles
123.#charlotte 2 racers × 28.0 avg = 56 miles
124.#phrcravenclaw 2 racers × 27.8 avg = 56 miles
125.#griffindor 2 racers × 27.6 avg = 55 miles
126.#hustlepuff 2 racers × 27.5 avg = 55 miles
127.#yellowandblack 2 racers × 27.2 avg = 54 miles
128.#solefamily 2 racers × 27.1 avg = 54 miles
129.#runlikeyouknowwhoischasingyou 2 racers × 27.1 avg = 54 miles
130.#teamdarlingpena 2 racers × 27.0 avg = 54 miles
131.#edinburghunicorns 2 racers × 27.0 avg = 54 miles
132.#movingrightalong 2 racers × 26.9 avg = 54 miles
133.#timelord 2 racers × 26.8 avg = 54 miles
134.#northcarolina 2 racers × 26.7 avg = 53 miles
135.#nyda 2 racers × 26.6 avg = 53 miles
136.#notdeadyet 2 racers × 26.6 avg = 53 miles
137.#lumoslibrary 2 racers × 26.6 avg = 53 miles
138.#austentatious 2 racers × 26.5 avg = 53 miles
139.#laaurorbrigade 3 racers × 17.6 avg = 53 miles
140.#theweirdsisters 2 racers × 24.9 avg = 50 miles
141.#melodysmaniacs 2 racers × 23.9 avg = 48 miles
142.#mac 2 racers × 22.9 avg = 46 miles
143.#owlbears 2 racers × 20.1 avg = 40 miles
144.#2021wrccompanions 2 racers × 20.1 avg = 40 miles
145.#gettheracewon 2 racers × 16.4 avg = 33 miles
146.#huffleclaw 2 racers × 14.7 avg = 29 miles
147.#runscript 2 racers × 14.0 avg = 28 miles
148.#youshallnotpass 2 racers × 13.3 avg = 27 miles
149.#trails 3 racers × 8.8 avg = 26 miles
150.#racery 2 racers × 13.2 avg = 26 miles
151.#hellraisins 2 racers × 12.5 avg = 25 miles
1.SlytherPuff Finished
2.SIytheryAsFcuk Finished
3.J.Smith Finished
4.StitchWitch Finished
5.NopeRopeEire5 Finished
6.Milmil Finished
7.TheDayMan Finished
8.MirTree Finished
9.NeverSloth Finished
10.Star1 Finished
11.8173 Finished
12.SnekEtteck Finished
13.JennCait Finished
14.HP934 Finished
15.WindyJenny Finished
16.Virupa Finished
17.ErinGoBraugh Finished
18.CtayEspy Finished
19.Smr2251 Finished
20.PharmacySpice Finished
21.Sprite Finished
22.Dumbledora Finished
23.Ellissoj Finished
24.StanShunpike Finished
25.AlienLizzie Finished
26.Panda77 Finished
27.Collins Finished
28.MKC9598 Finished
29.LionHart Finished
30.PR.Sweetheart Finished
31.Tigger Finished
32.HuffletuffSally Finished
33.roeroeRight Finished
34.JaneEstrada Finished
35.balihubido Finished
36.mrsb Finished
37.Pit-Pot Finished
38.Kristy88 Finished
39.Somebody Finished
40.miaweasley7 Finished
41.SlytherinOrchid Finished
42.Wren714 Finished
43.Ele Finished
44.Midge83 Finished
45.LH626 Finished
46.MikkiMal Finished
47.Ammie Finished
48.EduK8RN10 Finished
49.CrazyLegs Finished
50.OrganicLisa Finished
51.LS148 Finished
52.MadamPooch Finished
53.BrandyNikole Finished
54.AliciaWeaver Finished
55.CindyBelle Finished
56.kindyll Finished
57.Xanthippe Finished
58.Dragonlady Finished
59.RunnerGirl0704 Finished
60.Besty Finished
61.Daley-Bailey Finished
62.KLee Finished
63.RoseGarrett Finished
64.LadyOzma Finished
65.Fluffball Finished
66.Raect Finished
67.Marianne Finished
68.Starlightcla Finished
69.Firebaby Finished
70.FrauKathy Finished
71.SnapesOnAPlane Finished
72.LAPS Finished
73.JMac17 Finished
74.AlliSoong Finished
75.UnicornJess Finished
see more...
1.NopeRopeEire5 363.5 miles
2.EduK8RN10 243.2 miles
3.Mecha 239.8 miles
4.LS148 238.7 miles
5.NeverSloth 222.3 miles
6.Virupa 210.0 miles
7.Sprite 208.3 miles
8.CrazyLegs 195.9 miles
9.Collins 195.2 miles
10.SIytheryAsFcuk 184.5 miles
11.mrsb 183.4 miles
12.MadamPooch 183.3 miles
13.OakRiver 182.0 miles
14.doctorh 174.1 miles
15.KLee 173.7 miles
16.Wren714 172.0 miles
17.JMac17 169.2 miles
18.GryffindorGma 167.7 miles
19.Josh314 166.2 miles
20.SlytherinOrchid 162.9 miles
21.Freya 160.6 miles
22.CtayEspy 159.8 miles
23.CindyBelle 158.6 miles
24.Jambuss 158.2 miles
25.ReneeB 154.2 miles
26.MikkiMal 152.2 miles
27.PR.Sweetheart 152.1 miles
28.Ebi 151.4 miles
29.ErinGoBraugh 141.0 miles
30.Roxie1974 140.4 miles
31.LindaK 140.2 miles
32.AliciaWeaver 138.1 miles
33.Raect 137.4 miles
34.PoodlePowered 136.1 miles
35.PartyandBS 131.9 miles
36.NaptownHuff 130.5 miles
37.umrwing 129.9 miles
38.Jacq 129.7 miles
39.MKWilson 128.0 miles
40.CrazyPRLuna 127.8 miles
41.brittvlh 127.5 miles
42.nno 127.1 miles
43.Marianne 123.9 miles
44.JeanM 123.3 miles
45.KPop 119.0 miles
46.Eia 118.8 miles
47.Krazy-Kat 118.6 miles
48.Danielle525 117.7 miles
49.DK2017 117.1 miles
50.Boppie 115.4 miles
51.eriacode 113.3 miles
52.Machine 112.9 miles
53.Xanthippe 111.2 miles
54.OsuJennifer 109.0 miles
55.HP934 108.7 miles
56.freehling 108.1 miles
57.Mopje 107.8 miles
58.beccathensaid 107.3 miles
59.RunnerMom 106.9 miles
60.MegWithAnH 106.2 miles
61.Kittlepuff 106.0 miles
62.AlienLizzie 105.9 miles
63.J.Smith 105.7 miles
64.Johnhancock 105.2 miles
65.mynameisalisa 105.0 miles
66.RachLovesTV 104.8 miles
67.Hannasaidwhat 103.7 miles
68.2580 103.2 miles
69.CRenee 102.9 miles
70.RunningForNaps 101.0 miles
71.syncme 100.1 miles
72.Hufflepuff6 100.0 miles
73.jrstack 100.0 miles
74.AliMaddie 99.8 miles
75.FrauKathy 99.0 miles
see more...
Recent Activity
Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.
MBR Aug 26, 2017
AlienLizzie Aug 18, 2017
Mecha Aug 17, 2017
RachLovesTV Aug 17, 2017
Collins Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
HufflinHeather Aug 17, 2017
Pikachu Aug 17, 2017
PaulettaAC-A Aug 17, 2017
Pikachu Aug 17, 2017
HP934 Aug 17, 2017
MKWilson Aug 17, 2017
DesertClaw Aug 17, 2017
LunchboxMark Aug 17, 2017
jrstack Aug 17, 2017
Sayuri Aug 17, 2017
Whitley Aug 17, 2017
Madam_Rosmerta Aug 17, 2017
PJW3B24 Aug 17, 2017
jam7935 Aug 17, 2017
jlh0101 Aug 17, 2017
mcktiz Aug 17, 2017
LibDebbie Aug 17, 2017
jlh0101 Aug 17, 2017
Morrin Aug 17, 2017
Cordia Aug 17, 2017
LionMaster Aug 17, 2017
LionMaster Aug 17, 2017
Gramme Aug 17, 2017
PR.Sweetheart Aug 17, 2017
Roxie1974 Aug 17, 2017
Mecha Aug 17, 2017
RTITimeWizard Aug 17, 2017
StanShunpike Aug 17, 2017
NeverSloth Aug 17, 2017
ReneeB Aug 17, 2017
kareneliza Aug 17, 2017
SJSimon Aug 17, 2017
MightySmitey Aug 17, 2017
MightySmitey Aug 17, 2017
jensurette Aug 17, 2017
kaylab3ar Aug 17, 2017
Kaila Aug 17, 2017
xboxgirl Aug 17, 2017
jennylupin Aug 17, 2017
leiabelle Aug 17, 2017
Megreid4 Aug 17, 2017
Annieeee Aug 17, 2017
stargazer Aug 17, 2017
Hezzy Aug 17, 2017
Brandy731 Aug 17, 2017
Megreid4 Aug 17, 2017
MaddLappDogg Aug 17, 2017
OakRiver Aug 17, 2017
Super Aug 17, 2017
leiabelle Aug 17, 2017
faithandhope Aug 17, 2017
BekahSue Aug 17, 2017
Tessa446 Aug 17, 2017
GryffindorGma Aug 17, 2017
brittvlh Aug 17, 2017
CarolynGrace Aug 17, 2017
Trudy Aug 17, 2017
AlienLizzie Aug 17, 2017
Marotter Aug 17, 2017
Nienna Aug 17, 2017
Levin Aug 17, 2017
Raect Aug 17, 2017
athue Aug 17, 2017
WhitneyKni Aug 17, 2017
Prettydamnnaive Aug 17, 2017
seeandirun Aug 17, 2017
AnotherWeasley Aug 17, 2017
pfarris Aug 17, 2017
HMV Aug 17, 2017
Hermione_HPA Aug 17, 2017
Shetan26 Aug 17, 2017
Notamuggle Aug 17, 2017
Hermione_HPA Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
BethanyL Aug 17, 2017
DPlaza Aug 17, 2017
McG Aug 17, 2017
DanoManejado Aug 17, 2017
sarawithoutheh Aug 17, 2017
DanoManejado Aug 17, 2017
swirlyin Aug 17, 2017
SweetCaroline Aug 17, 2017
AliJohn Aug 17, 2017
WhitneyKni Aug 17, 2017
mrsb Aug 17, 2017
Cami_Lion Aug 17, 2017
Missy33 Aug 17, 2017
Mackenzie Aug 17, 2017
Hermione_HPA Aug 17, 2017
v.seng.nelson Aug 17, 2017
Missy33 Aug 17, 2017
irish3509 Aug 17, 2017
Tex34 Aug 17, 2017
Ricky_rocks Aug 17, 2017
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Log Activity
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About + Join
- From: Leadenhall Market
- To: King's Cross Station
- Start date: July 17, 2017
- End date: August 17, 2017
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 26.1 miles
- Total logged: 56,297.0 miles
Welcome to Road to Hogwarts 3: Marauder’s Marathon!
Join Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs on a magical dash through London. Our virtual Marauder’s Map will guide you along a 26-mile route highlighting several filming locations from the Harry Potter movie series.
SO, what happens if you want to keep going after you "finish" the 26.2 mile route?? Become an Ultramarathoner! With your next mileage submission after you pass the 26.2 mile mark, we'll "fly" you back to the starting line. Then, you'll see yourself on the Ultramarathoner leaderboard in the Runners Tab. You'll continue on the route again, AND there might be some surprises waiting on the course!
We've created a variety of registration tiers to suit nearly any budget. Our basic registration is $29 and includes our Mischief Managed medal and a complete virtual race experience with many surprises along the way! Don't want a medal? You can choose the digital-only tier and get the complete experience for just $19. We're also offering a few packages that include our basic registration and an exclusive event t-shirt and/or tank top as add-ons. Medals will be shipped as close to our event end date (August 17) as possible. T-shirts and tank tops will ship in mid-October.
Check out the swag options!
</center>Tank top:
This unique event will benefit the Harry Potter Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that turns fans into heroes. Since 2005, the HPA has used the power of story to engage millions of fans in their work for equality, literacy, and human rights. Proceeds will directly support the HPA’s leadership and education programs, less Racery’s fee of $7.50 per participant and Stripe’s 2.2% + $0.30 fee per transaction. More information about the HPA’s financials can be found on Guidestar, where the organization maintains a Gold rating.
Event Rules from Racery
Run, walk, or wheel anywhere, anytime you want, then log activity and see yourself move on our digital route and leaderboards. We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some guidelines:
We encourage friendly and healthy competition. Please use the message board to highlight your personal accomplishments and praise those of other participants. Please do NOT use the message board to post hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate content of any kind. The HPA retains the right to remove participants who are engaging in this type of behavior. Keep it magical and avoid the dark arts!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Join Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs on a magical dash through London. Our virtual Marauder’s Map will guide you along a 26-mile route highlighting several filming locations from the Harry Potter movie series.
SO, what happens if you want to keep going after you "finish" the 26.2 mile route?? Become an Ultramarathoner! With your next mileage submission after you pass the 26.2 mile mark, we'll "fly" you back to the starting line. Then, you'll see yourself on the Ultramarathoner leaderboard in the Runners Tab. You'll continue on the route again, AND there might be some surprises waiting on the course!
We've created a variety of registration tiers to suit nearly any budget. Our basic registration is $29 and includes our Mischief Managed medal and a complete virtual race experience with many surprises along the way! Don't want a medal? You can choose the digital-only tier and get the complete experience for just $19. We're also offering a few packages that include our basic registration and an exclusive event t-shirt and/or tank top as add-ons. Medals will be shipped as close to our event end date (August 17) as possible. T-shirts and tank tops will ship in mid-October.
Check out the swag options!



This unique event will benefit the Harry Potter Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that turns fans into heroes. Since 2005, the HPA has used the power of story to engage millions of fans in their work for equality, literacy, and human rights. Proceeds will directly support the HPA’s leadership and education programs, less Racery’s fee of $7.50 per participant and Stripe’s 2.2% + $0.30 fee per transaction. More information about the HPA’s financials can be found on Guidestar, where the organization maintains a Gold rating.
Event Rules from Racery
Run, walk, or wheel anywhere, anytime you want, then log activity and see yourself move on our digital route and leaderboards. We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some guidelines:
- • Runners, walkers, and wheelchair users welcome! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, over all sports.)
- • No step counters, please just use intentional miles.
- • Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days.
- • Please only backdate mileage for the race back to 12:01 AM on July 17 in your time zone.
- • Only mileage added before the event officially closes on August 17 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards.
We encourage friendly and healthy competition. Please use the message board to highlight your personal accomplishments and praise those of other participants. Please do NOT use the message board to post hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate content of any kind. The HPA retains the right to remove participants who are engaging in this type of behavior. Keep it magical and avoid the dark arts!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
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