
Fundraising ($3,793 raised)

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                  This race ended 08/30/18 - check out the final activity here.

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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • Ellie2818 Yellow & Black Aug 30, 2018
                    I have 3miles left and I have come down with the Flu, trying to still finish the miles. What happens if I don’t finish on time :-(
                    Hey @Ellie2818! No worries. :) You still get an award for your achievement and a medal (if you bought that package) without finishing. Do what you can, but take care of yourself!
                    @RaceryEmma thank you. I appreciate you responding to my post.
                  • RaceryEmma Aug 30, 2018
                    Hi all! Don't forget that the HPA House Cup Marathon closes at 11:59pm eastern time TONIGHT! Get those last few miles!!
                    Ugh, that time difference. Closed before I could even get home from work.
                  • Niederstadt Green & Silver Aug 29, 2018
                    Is it possible to see a countdown of how much time is left? The emails I am getting are telling me its the last day, but then others say that its August 30 at midnight EST.
                    I’m curious too! I log late usually (Mountain time) and want to know when it closes. I’ll log now just incase.
                    @Muggle_Bubba @Niederstadt Hi all! You have until 11:59pm Eastern time TONIGHT to log your final miles!!
                  • riverjewel Blue & Bronze Aug 26, 2018
                    Are the t shirts shipping soon?
                    Hey @riverjewel! According to the Bonfire link in the About section, the orders will start shipping September 24th.
                  • GalaxyTraveler Red & Gold Aug 26, 2018
                    do I get medal or something?
                    Hey @GalaxyTraveler! If you signed up for the medal package then you absolutely do! Do you know which package you registered for? :) -- Lesley
                  • trudds Green & Silver Aug 14, 2018
                    Any chance someone might know where we go to buy a t-shirt? Thanks!
                    Never mind, if one looks the link is actually just below = oops!
                  • leiabelle Red & Gold Aug 14, 2018
                    I feel like Ian Malcolm on the Jurassic Park tour asking this, but... is there going to be anything Harry Potter-related to encounter during this Harry Potter marathon?
                    Hi! We don't own the rights to JK Rowling's intellectual property, so out of respect for her, we can't make this race too Potter-ish.
                    @Treebeard, I get that, but last year's race included multiple Wizarding World-themed postcards and updates, while this year's seems to include nothing of the kind. :(
                    @leiabelle Thanks for letting us know that you'd like to see more of this type of content. We appreciate the feedback! We have a specific budget for every virtual race, and Racery provides lots of great options for features. Our budget means that we have to pick and choose what to integrate, and this year we made some choices that we felt fit with the House Cup theme and gave us more ability to directly correspond with participants. It's tough! We'll definitely consider prioritizing postcards over other features next year, given your feedback.
                    That doesn't answer my question. This race doesn't have *different* features from last year's; it only has *fewer* features. As far as I can tell, I paid $20 just to join "Team Red & Gold" and to see street views of Scotland that are publicly available on Google Maps. What are the new choices and features that fit with the House Cup theme, and when will I experience them along the route?
                    @leiabelle Truly, the reduction in Wizarding World themed content is an intellectual property issue. We met with Warner Bros in advance of this race and worked out what was acceptable, in part because they felt we crossed some lines with last year's content (e.g., the Marauder's Map branding is unmistakably Harry Potter themed, while House Cup is more general). There's only so much we can do because we are not JK Rowling or Warner Bros. Everything from our t-shirt and medal designs to the team names are a result of negotiation with Warner Bros to ensure we didn't end up with legal liabilities. In terms of new features, we have access to a new email dashboard that allows us to craft and schedule updates, and we're using those primarily for the ambassador and fundraising contests (make sure you're checking your inbox!). We've integrated a variety of shareable team and branded graphics that have also been delivered via email. Racery created a new feature that allows us to add a secret portkey to the race, which, when found, will transport racers to a second hidden course around Mt. Greylock. All of the social features are part of the package, including the various leaderboards and this very messageboard! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
                  • katscribefever Blue & Bronze Aug 14, 2018
                    I can't even find the leaderboard. My screen has fundraising, teams, runners (through #87), recent activity, log activity, and messageboard. None of these tabs has any information about a leaderboard.
                    Hey there @katscribefever! The runners tab contains the leaderboards. :) If you scroll to the bottom of the first 100 racers you will see 'see more' to expand and see more racers on the first lap. Hope that helps!
                  • emmac Blue & Bronze Aug 14, 2018
                    Has anyone found the Portkey yet?!
                  • Bewildebeest Blue & Bronze Aug 13, 2018
                    I can't seem to see myself on the map anymore, and when I expand the list of racers it stops before it gets to me. I'm almost at the end and I'd love to be able to see how close! Any help?
                    Hey @Bewildebeest! Happy to clarify this for you. :) If you scroll to the bottom of the first 100 racers on the First Lap leaderboard you should see 'see more' and be able to expand the list to find yourself.
                    @emmac Thanks! My problem is that it scrolls down to the 70s and then stops. It starts showing other info, but no more racers and no link to see more (which I used before).
                    @Bewildebeest It looks like you may be scrolling to the bottom of the 2nd lap leaderboard at the very bottom of the Runners Tab. 'see more' at the end of the first 100 runners in the 1st lap leaderboard is near the middle of the runners tab. :)
                  • MegsB Green & Silver Aug 8, 2018
                    Are there postcards for this race like last year's in London? Does anyone know when the first one hits?
                    I've been wondering the same thing. Just hit the 20 mile marker and haven't seen anything HP-related yet.
                    This year's postcard is a secret. :) The more times you loop the course, the more likely you'll hit the right location!
                    So there's just one postcard for the whole race??
                  • Dorie Yellow & Black Aug 7, 2018
                    Sending strength and healing thoughts to those needing it!
                  • BrickMasterJMV Blue & Bronze Aug 5, 2018
                    Can we cross that 2,000 mile marker tonight, Eagles? I've got a mile or two left in me. Go, go, go!
                  • PuffPride Yellow & Black Aug 5, 2018
                    I’m really eager to find the secret race around Mt Greylock that was mentioned in the original email (I actually went to Williams College which is at the base of Mt Greylock, so I tell people I went to Ilvermorny). Does anyone know when/where to look for that secret race?
                    I haven't been paying attention to the path at all... sorry. :/
                    Someone found it!!!!
                    @WittyAndWise Oh my gosh! Where and how do we all find it? Can you access it from the map??
                    @WittyAndWise Seconding this question!!
                    @PuffPride @Bewildebeest If you look at the route -- I think it's where it disconnects/jumps right near Clermiston!!!
                  • BrickMasterJMV Blue & Bronze Aug 2, 2018
                    We are 99.5 miles away from 1,000 miles, Team Blue and Bronze! Can we do it today? Fly like an Eagle!
                    heck yes!!!
                    We did it!
                    run, walk or wheel though, flying does not count ;) . But go us!
                  • Maddie1022 Blue & Bronze Aug 1, 2018
                    I’m wondering: if someone backs one of us, is their donation tax refundable since HPA is a non-profit and that’s where the funds are going? I have relatives who might be more willing to donate, if so!!
                    Yes! All donations to this event are tax-deductible, whether they're backing an individual, a team, or all racers. Our EIN # should be included with their donation receipt for reporting purposes. Additionally, a portion of your registration fee ($12.50 if you got the digital registration, $14.50 if you registered at the medal level) and any add-on donations you made at registration are tax-deductible too!
                    @Treebeard Thanks for the info!!
                    @Treebeard actually, one more question! Do you know what the EIN # they should put is ? Sorry for the trouble. 🙂
                    Hey @Maddie1022! The EIN number will be included in the person's Thank You email for their donation. :)
                  • BrickMasterJMV Blue & Bronze Aug 1, 2018
                    Who else is running/walking their Royal 10K benefitting All Star Code, with Hogwarts Running Club, today? #SoMuchGood!
                    Did 5.7k of it today. Toooo hot to run further.
                    Did mine on Monday :)
                    I’m going to sign up for it before the deadline. Wasn’t able to sign up in time to run it today, and I want to finish this run challenge before I start a new one!
                  • Treebeard Red & Gold Aug 1, 2018
                    Folks: We're just a couple days in, and already you've collectively raised over $2,600 for the cause. That's amazing! Give yourselves a pat on the back and KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
                  • Maddie1022 Blue & Bronze Aug 1, 2018
                    I’m getting back into running after a depression spell, and I think this marathon will be a good motivator!!
                    Same here! Well, I've never really been a runner, but hoping to make it a lifestyle. 😀
                    @DobbyMommy I started running around New Years! Absolutely loved it, but made the mistake of breaking the routine, and then it wasn’t a habit anymore—and I could barely muster the energy and motivation to leave my dorm room or make food in April and May, much less go running. But I’m back at it, and excited abt this challenge in particular! If you’re trying to make running a lifestyle, check out the zombie run app! Personally, o have adhd and I hink I’d be bored if I wasn’t immersed in a story the whole time I was at it.
                  • SLA Blue & Bronze July 31, 2018
                    Newby here first race. What happens after I finish the race tomorrow
                    Keep logging miles and Ravenclaw will get credit towards the House Cup competition.
                    @BookMasterJMVokay I’ll keep walking. How long does this last?
                    The event goes on until August 30th!
                    Yes, you can keep looping the course as much as you want to earn more points for your House!
                  • TannerMcSavage Yellow & Black July 31, 2018
                    You Eagles are tough to beat!!! Great work guys. I’m loving every bit of this competition, and for a great cause too!!
                    Birds of a feather flock/walk/run together!
                  • Treebeard Red & Gold July 31, 2018
                    Quick note about accessibility: We are all about it! You welcome miles from running, walking, rolling in a wheelchair, even miles logged on an elliptical machine if certain conditions prevent you from using a treadmill. There are only a couple limitations: you should only include *intentional miles* -- that is, you should count only miles traveled during an intentional workout, not your total daily miles from apps like Apple Health. Also, you should not include miles from biking. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
                    Can you count intentional roller-skating miles? Asking for a friend for next year.
                  • Treebeard Red & Gold July 31, 2018
                    Heads up! Be on the lookout for an email from the Harry Potter Alliance with subject line "House Cup Marathon: Fundraise like a pro and bring home the Cup!" Included in the email is a link to an exclusive peer-to-peer fundraising toolkit to help you recruit backers and earn House Cup points for your Team! Important: our Team competition is not just about miles, it's about fundraising too! Teams will earn 1 House Cup point for every $100 they raise, and 1 point for every 100 miles they log. Currently, Team Yellow & Black has the overall lead in points, despite being behind in miles! Hopefully this toolkit will help you crush your fundraising goals, too! :D Good luck, and keep up the great work!
                    Also relevant: You can loop back to the beginning and keep logging miles after you finish the race, all the way till August 30! Earn extra miles for your Team as an ultramarathoner!
                    I can't fundraise to save my life... so I'll be walking #NonStop! Go Eagles! 🦅😁
                    When can we expect this email? I don’t think I’ve gotten it yet. 😞 Would love to have access to fundraising tips and strategies!
                  • IngeK73 Blue & Bronze July 31, 2018
                    I'd considered walking too work but sorry, heatwave. However if that is gone before the end of the month I will! Otherwise I decided to take the train&walk to my volunteer work at a museum instead of taking the bus on Sunday, that's another couple of km right there :)
                  • riverjewel Blue & Bronze July 30, 2018
                    I’m doing a flywheel (spin class) tonight! Not counting for the race. It’s very fun and very challenging!
                    Fly like an Eagle!
                  • MichelleS Blue & Bronze July 30, 2018
                    I have two Racery events going on right now. I’ll have to take turns with my miles.
                    Hey @MichelleS! You can definitely count your runs for both races (this and Acadia). :)
                    @RaceryLesley great to know! I didn’t want to be seen as cheating.
                  • knowitall12 Blue & Bronze July 30, 2018
                    Its the beginning of the marathon. Blue and Bronze first on the board thanks JshWright. We got to keep up the momentum. First hit the pavement nd then hit the keys to log it. WE got this!!!!!
                  • TannerMcSavage Yellow & Black July 30, 2018
                    If anyone would like some extra motivation during the next month, feel free to add me on Snapchat and we can keep each other going! Good luck to everyone! Snapchat: phillipswag
                    You young whippersnappers and your Snapchat. 👵🤣
                  • BrickMasterJMV Blue & Bronze July 29, 2018
                    Anyone know if you can still sign up after the event tomorrow?
                    Yes! Registration will be open through August 16, and the event period runs through August 30.
                  • ElementLP Blue & Bronze July 29, 2018
                    Can't wait to get started tomorrow! Let's go Blue and Bronze!!! Any fellow HRC Eagles out there?
                    @BookMasterJMV Hey Justin! 👋🏻
                    @riverjewel Hey Carey! 👋🏻
                    caw caw!!!
                    caw caw!
                    Caw caw! 💙🦅
                    ME! :)
                  • Gryfindonculous Red & Gold July 29, 2018
                    I got put on the yellow and black team even though I clicked red and gold. I sent an email about it to racery but is there any other way I can switch my team?
                    Hey there! I believe we fixed this yesterday -- please let me know if you have any other questions! :)
                  • elleaj13 Blue & Bronze July 29, 2018
                    I thought we were set to begin today but haven't seen anything as yet...
                    I believe it’s tomorrow, but at least you’re ready! Lol
                  • BrickMasterJMV Blue & Bronze July 27, 2018
                    Perfect motivation to fight the Sun Dementors and do #SoMuchGood! Go Eagles! (I'm a wee bit happy that I can pace in this one too. ;D)
                  • BetsyBadger Yellow & Black July 27, 2018
                    Hufflepuffs - is our team’s women’s sized/cut shirt the one that is navy? #Hufflepuff. Thank you!
                    Unfortunately Bonfire doesn't offer ladies cut in anything close to yellow, so we weren't able to offer it as an option outside of unisex. Apologies!
                  • TannerMcSavage Yellow & Black July 24, 2018
                    If we run more than the 26.2 miles, do the extra miles still count toward the leaderboards?
                    @TannerMcSavage yes -you can loop the course as many times as you want until August 30! There will be a separate leaderboard for racers who loop. :)
                    @RaceryEmma Thank you!
                  • Pegasys Blue & Bronze July 18, 2018
                    Are there prizes for sponsorships or fundraising? Or is this just a (not so, at times) friendly competition?
                    Yes! We're working a few contests into this event, including a grand prize for the House that takes the Cup! Watch your inbox for announcements over the next two to three weeks. :)
                  • Treebeard Red & Gold July 17, 2018
                    Pro Tip: If you want your House to win fundraising and miles competitions, your best bet is to recruit more participants to your House! Click About+Join and you'll see your unique referral link -- use this to promote the event and you'll earn points toward our Top Ambassador contest! :D
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Blackness Castle
                      • To: Royal Yacht Britannia
                      • Start date: July 30, 2018
                      • End date: August 30, 2018
                      • 10:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 26.2 miles
                      • Total logged: 23,978.8 miles
                      Welcome to the HPA House Cup Marathon!

                      Join hundreds of Potter fans for a virtual tour of Edinburgh, Scotland. Our magical map will guide you along a 26-mile route highlighting several historical landmarks, in the city where our favorite fantasy series was written!

                      Choose your House at registration to join our House Cup and help your House raise the most funds for the HPA’s Neville Fights Back campaign. Everything from your registration fee to the donations you recruit will count toward this important philanthropic and friendly competition.

                      Our basic registration is $31 and includes our exclusive event medal, high-quality custom neck ribbon, and a complete virtual race experience with many surprises along the way! Don't want a medal? You can choose the digital-only tier and get the complete experience for just $20. Please note that medals will be shipped in September, after the event concludes.



                      Want to fundraise and show off your house pride but DON’T want to have to log miles? Join the HPA Cheer Squad instead! Just select “HPA Cheerleader” as your participant type at sign-up and then select the house you want to cheer for!! You’ll be able to fundraise AND use all of the same social features to encourage your house to do the best they can! Whose house will have the most HPA Cheerleaders?!

                      This unique event will benefit the Harry Potter Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that turns fans into heroes. Since 2005, the HPA has used the power of story to engage millions of fans in their work for equality, literacy, and human rights. Proceeds will directly support the HPA’s Neville Fights Back campaign, less Racery’s fee of $7.50 per participant and Stripe’s 2.2% + $0.30 fee per transaction. More information about the HPA’s financials can be found on Guidestar, where the organization maintains a Gold rating.

                      Wait...don’t you normally offer an event t-shirt?!

                      Yes! This year, we are offering our event t-shirt via Bonfire. Get this awesome HPA House Cup Marathon shirt in the House color of your choice and represent your House with pride! Link here:



                      Event Rules from Racery

                      Run, walk, or wheel anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google Street View of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!

                      To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
                      • • We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.

                      • • No step counting, please use intentional miles.

                      • • Runners, walkers, and wheelchair users welcome!

                      • • Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days.

                      • • Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      Additional Message from the HPA

                      We encourage friendly and healthy competition. Please use the message board to highlight your personal accomplishments and praise those of other participants. Please do NOT use the message board to post hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate content of any kind. The HPA retains the right to remove participants who are engaging in this type of behavior. Keep it magical and avoid the dark arts!

                      No mileage submitted yet.